免責聲明:本網誌純屬個人文章, 所有評論全是表達個人意見, 絕對不應視作為投資見議. 本人同時不能保證文章內容的確實性. 讀者必須自行判斷和研究. 至於讀者的一切投資決定, 不論成敗得失. 一概與本人無關. 而網誌內的股票組合, 純屬模擬性質, 僅作遊戲之用, 並非筆者實倉持有.
現價2.68元 巿盈率7.51倍 股息率9.03% 市值19.38億元。
主要業務 : 家具及家居用品。
買入原因 : 管理水平高 作風王道 往績良好 派息慷慨 財政超佳 淨現金/市值>20% 有David Webb押陣。
組合現今市值1,055,580元 包括268,000元股票+ 787,580元現金。
Billy Sir, you omitted to include transaction costs! I think transaction costs should also be considered even in virtual portfolio,... otherwise the ultimate return will be overstated! My virtual portfolio(Began on 12Jan2022 lunch time: HK$1M) updating:~386.HK(254,000 shares)+ Cash HK$4,320- Estimated Transaction Costs HK$3,700= HK$4.13 x 254,000 + HK$4,320 - HK$3,700= HK$1,049,640
P.S. Bought in price of 386.HK was @HK$3.92 ^^
P.S. So that on hand= 254,000 shares 386.HK + Cash HK$620
Billy Sir, you omitted to include transaction costs!
回覆刪除I think transaction costs should also be considered even in virtual portfolio,... otherwise the ultimate return will be overstated!
My virtual portfolio(Began on 12Jan2022 lunch time: HK$1M) updating:~
386.HK(254,000 shares)+ Cash HK$4,320- Estimated Transaction Costs HK$3,700
= HK$4.13 x 254,000 + HK$4,320 - HK$3,700
= HK$1,049,640
P.S. Bought in price of 386.HK was @HK$3.92 ^^
刪除P.S. So that on hand
刪除= 254,000 shares 386.HK + Cash HK$620