免責聲明:本網誌純屬個人文章, 所有評論全是表達個人意見, 絕對不應視作為投資見議. 本人同時不能保證文章內容的確實性. 讀者必須自行判斷和研究. 至於讀者的一切投資決定, 不論成敗得失. 一概與本人無關. 而網誌內的股票組合, 純屬模擬性質, 僅作遊戲之用, 並非筆者實倉持有.
以9.35元(昨日收市價)買入一萬股中海油 買入原因 :管理層預計未來三年 每年股息不少於0.7元 今年有特別股息派 有回A及回購股份憧憬。 俄、烏局勢緊張 有可能令油價急升。
現價9.35元 巿盈率14倍 股息率4.81% 市值4174億元。
組合現今市值1,054,580元 包括360,500元股票+ 694,080元現金。
I like China Big Three Oil & Gas State Enterprises very much.Virtual portfolio updating:254,000 shares of 386.HK + Cash HK$620(already net off transaction costs.)Comment: Recently 386.HK always have good news.
Eventually 386.HK follows 857.HK & 883.HK to declare a "positive profit alert" for 2021 full year results. ^^
I see 386.HK is transforming into a China Supreme Clean Energy State Enterprise.^^
I like China Big Three Oil & Gas State Enterprises very much.
回覆刪除Virtual portfolio updating:
254,000 shares of 386.HK + Cash HK$620(already net off transaction costs.)
Comment: Recently 386.HK always have good news.
Eventually 386.HK follows 857.HK & 883.HK to declare a "positive profit alert" for 2021 full year results. ^^
刪除I see 386.HK is transforming into a China Supreme Clean Energy State Enterprise.^^